Maine and Vermont Enter Into Bidding War for New Residents

WINOOSKI – As Vermont struggles with retention of younger residents, the state of Maine has fired new shots in a war to see which state can increase its population the most. After Vermont offered a cash stipend to folks willing to move to the state and work remotely, Maine has now offered to pay off student loan debt in the hopes of bringing younger people into the state.

This aggressive move from the pine tree state has forced Vermont’s hand, and Gov. Phil Scott has announced, just days before an election, that he will approve a new initiative to forgive all student loans as well as credit card debt to any people younger than 35 who agree to move to and reside in Vermont for no less than two years. This announcement has met with confusion and anger from some Vermont lawmakers, who are asking how the state will pay for such a program without any new taxes.

Maine responded to Gov. Scott’s program with another new initiative that would not only pay off all debt incoming residents, but would also provide free room and board for up to one year. Maine residents, having long since given up on Gov. LePage doing anything they agree with, made no comment on the new offer.

“But do those rooms have turndown service?” asked Gov. Scott loudly, as he drafted a new plan to one-up the upgraded proposal from Maine. “When those young folks get to Vermont they won’t want to keep going!”

No repsonse yet from Maine as to whether or not they are willing to throw in luxury sports cars or not, but we expect a new bid later this afternoon.

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