More Vermonters Choosing “None of Your Business” On Their Headstones

STOWE – A famous tombstone in Stowe reads: I was somebody. Who, is no business of yours. But now it may be sparking a trend. Anonymous grave markers are becoming more popular across the state as many Vermonters struggle to achieve anonymmortality.

“We’re getting that sort of request from a lot of folks these days,” said professional headstone engraver Graham Rebar. “People want to be remembered, but not by just anybody. So they are choosing more anonymous inscriptions. The people who need to know will know.”

The move has frustrated some historians, who worry that this sort of vague stone carving could lead to potential loss of future knowledge. “Good,” said one Vermonter who would not tell us their name, even for fifty dollars. “I ain’t in the future, so tell me how that’s my problem.”

In addition to “None of Your Business,” some popular options include “What’s It To Ya?” and “If I’da Wantedja To Know, I’da Toldja.”

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