Governor Scott Vetoes Restaurant Choice After Family Places Orders

MONTPELIER – While staring at the menu at Positive Pie pizzeria and listening to his family place their dinner orders, Governor Phil Scott informed his family for the first time that he disagreed with their restaurant choice and that they would be leaving.  Directly after Governor Scott’s eldest son told the waitress that he had decided on the penne arrabbiata, the Governor brought up a list of reasons that they should not have dinner at the restaurant.

“I have serious concerns regarding the level of carbohydrates in Italian food, further if we are set on Italian, Angeleno’s may have offered us a better price point.” explained Scott. According to his wife Diana, the entire Scott family had discussed where to go to dinner for a half an hour before settling on Positive Pie and Governor Scott had not raised any concerns about the choice or even mentioned any alternatives.

Before standing up and walking away from the family’s drinks and breadsticks, Scott added that he was “certainly willing to discuss the choice of restaurant” and that he “clearly saw a path forward towards dinner”.

Upon leaving the restaurant Governor Scott also quickly vetoed 3 more pieces of legislation, including the state budget, stating that he “had come up with some great new ideas”.

Image Credits: Flavio Ensiki.

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