South Canada to Send Team of Lugers to PyeongChang

SOUTH CANADA – The International Olympic Committee has accepted a last minute bid by South Canada to send a team of lugers to the 2018 games in PyeongChang, South Korea. South Canada has been in existence for just under six months and was not expected to participate this year, but a determined team has come together and plans to luge big.

“I guess you could say I’ve always been a luger,” said team captain Rick Hickory. “I never did an actual luge or nothing, but you basically just sled down a track by yourself or something, right? And I’ve been doing that since I was a kid. So I said to my wife, you know what? I’m going to the Olympics. And I’m gonna luge.”

South Canadian President Charlene “Skunk” Bedard saw the team off on Monday in a ceremony in which she wished the team well.

“Oh s###, this is gonna be hilarious,” Bedard said. “You’re going to South Korea? Seriously? Well you go then. You go and luge. You are totally gonna luge. You’re gonna be the biggest lugers out there, believe me. Go luge big time for us! Crazy lugers.”

Hickory says he feels confident that his team will do well, despite having never practiced, competed, or seen an official luge track before.

“I don’t want to seem overconfident,” he said, “but how hard could it be?”

Image Credits: Philms.

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