Kristin Kelly Holds First GMP Press Conference: “Tune in at 6:00 for the Full Story”

RUTLAND –  Reporters were confused today while attending a Green Mountain Power press conference called by newly announced Director of Communications Kristin Kelly.  The conference began with GMP VP Kristen Carlson welcoming and introducing Kelly.  Kelly then walked to the podium and immediately stated to the press, “Is your home at risk of an electricity outage due to aging power lines?  Tune in at 6:00 for the full story.”  Kelly then returned to her seat and sat silently. Reporters were unsure of how to react at first and Kelly did not respond to any of their questions. Eventually the press slowly left the room as Kelly shuffled papers at her seat and ignored them.
Those reporters who did return to the conference room at 6:00 that evening listened to Kelly explain that there was actually no risk of power outages but that GMP would be replacing some of the older power lines in the Rutland area.  Kelly then shared a clip of a terrier mix named “Happy” whom she announced as pet of the week.  Finally, Kelly turned it over to “Mike,” GMP Chief Field Operations Executive, to tell us what the weather will look like this weekend. Spoiler alert: it will still be cold.

Image Credits: Essex Reporter.

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