Vermonters Form Marijuana Co-op to Circumvent Possession Limits

HARDWICK – Vermont’s new marijuana possession laws will take effect on July 1st, allowing the legal possession of up to one ounce of the substance, as well as up to two mature marijuana plants and up to four immature marijuana plants. These plants, and any marijuana harvested from them, will not count towards the one-once limit, and everything must be stored in a secure enclosure where the public cannot see it. These are the lowest allowable limits in the country among states that have legalized the drug, but Vermonters have found a way around these restrictions in the most Vermonty way possible: they formed a co-op.

CANNAB-US is a newly formed organization that will allow members to purchase a “membership” to the drug co-op, guaranteeing them access to the large building where organizational leadership will grow the maximum number of allowable plants per member, as well as store the marijuana produced from the plants. Members will then be able to access any of the cooperative’s stash without having to pay an extra fee, thus getting around the part of the law that prevents the sale of marijuana.

“We’re super stoked about it,” said CANNAB-US Board Chair Dave Bishop. “Some members will use less, some will use more, but we think that with the maximum number of plants per member cranking out our weed, we should have enough so that anybody who wants to buy a membership will get what they need. We’re also planning on having special one-day memberships for anyone who wants to do a trial run, or, like, you know, twenty trial runs as needed.”

Memberships can be paid yearly or monthly, or daily in the case of the special one-day memberships, and Bishop says interest is extremely high. Hundreds of Vermonters have signed up already, and they expect many more to roll in as July 1st approaches.

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