Vermont Residents Are Offering $20,000 to People Willing to Stay Out of State

POWNAL – Some Vermont residents are responding to a new bill signed by Governor Scott this week that will give $10,000 to any out-of-state workers that move to Vermont but continue to work at their previous jobs remotely. A group called “Make Vermont Vermont Again” has pooled their resources, augmented by a gofundme page, and is offering $20,000 to those same workers if they decide not to move to the green mountain state.

“To tell you the truth, I think this new program stinks, if I’m allowed to say stinks. Is that okay for me to say?” said group founder and organizer Terry Secton of Pownal, VT. “We honestly are going to pay folks from New Hampshire, New York, what have you, with our tax dollars, and then they work at non-Vermont businesses? I voted for Phil because he said he was looking out for Vermont businesses, but clearly that’s not the case. So, double-or-nothing, Phil. We’ll do whatever it takes to make sure that Vermont is for Vermonters, people committed to living and working here. I keep hearing we need more people. Well, I say, what’s wrong with the folks we already got?”

To qualify for funding from MVVA, applicants must show evidence that they have been approved to work remotely in Vermont, as well as proof that they have had intentions to move there. If they can collect sufficient evidence that they were planning to take advantage of the new bill, Secton and his organization will send out $20,000, pending a signed document from the applicant vowing to never step foot in the state of Vermont again, especially during foliage season. Secton says interest in his program is high, and he is hoping for a robust show of support on his gofundme page.

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  1. As a South Canadian, this sounds like a win-win situation. I can move to VT, get paid $10,000 for flying my remote control drone, and then get paid $20,000 to move back to South Canada, where I can buy a whole buncha dirt!

  2. I think this really shows the lack of any solid brain power in our government. If the statehouse really wants people to move here to raise a family, lower the tax burden on Vermont workers. Cut the unnecessary spending and they will come and the rest of us will stay.

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