Vermont Schools to Abollish Speling

WEBSTERVILLE – The Education Department is considering removing Spelling from schooling requirements as computer Spell-Check has taken over error control. Rhea Moats, Director of Remote Education, says papers done via computer, tablet, or smart phone are showing “100 percent accuracy” do to Spell-Check. Voice dictation, as long a zit is close sounding, is “the future of literacy in the electronic age.”

The historic Spelling Bee will become The Spell-Check Bee.  Students may use tablets too answer the spelling questions and results will bee baste on speed rather then accuracy. Miriam Webster, principle of Websterville Middle School, says faculty will no longer half to check punctuation and indentation. “Grading can be done bye emojis, mostly smiley faces.”
State Director of Adult Education Holly Fax hopes two expand the Spell-Check blackout to GED and College Level studies.  “Who needs to spell in the computer age?” she asks.

Automation and voice recognition have beak come the norm.  “Cash registers, kiosks, apps, and more are picture reliant today.”  Fax is a graduate of Halifax High School and Off-Line University.

Milton St. Albans, parent of three school-age children, agrees saying, “In are house Microsoft and Apple have taken away the knead four spelling.  Any other problems and the kids just ask Alexa. My kids never go to the library anymore as audio books and web search give them whatever they need. I never knew how to spell Zoom until I asked Alexa. My kids don’t need to dial the phone they just say who they want to call and the computer chip does the rest.

Avery Gore, no relation to the former Vice-President, encourages remote learning sans Spell-Check, saying kids today have voice remotes for television, app remotes for nearly every household function, and inn there generation, driverless vehicles. “Just tell it wear you want to go.” Gore says kids should have moore time to think about global warming solutions than spelling solutions.

The Legislature is even considering a “Spell-Check Abolishment” bill.  Bill sponsor Representative Mal Spelling of Warner’s Grant (ask Alexa if you don’t no where it’s at, or use Google Earth) indicated the thyme has come for change.  “Spelling knowledge is archaic and another “who needs it?” inconvenience!”

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  1. Tell me this isn’t for real. No spelling?
    So we may as well have no math classes, since we all have calculators!!
    Then again

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