Milton Bar Allowed Young Children to Enter, Purchase Beverages

MILTON – An undercover The Winooski reporter has obtained proof that a local bar in Milton has been allowing children to enter, and that these children were allowed to purchase drinks and consume them on the premises. While adults purchased the beverages for the children on occasion, there were many other times when the minors were able to walk right up and pay for the drinks themselves.

The bar in question is the popular “Sand Bar,” located right off of Route 2 in Milton, and our reporter was charged a $4 cover charge to enter the bar, but was not carded or asked to show any identification at all. Once inside the property, they were able to obtain shocking photographs of scantily clad individuals of all ages, carousing and frolicking with wild abandon. The number of children inside the “Sand Bar” was simply staggering. More than half of the patrons were under 21 years of age, with around fifty percent of the patrons appearing to be younger than 18.

These children had free reign to wander the bar, buying themselves drinks ranging from fresh-squeezed lemonade to assorted bottled beverages, with often only marginal parental supervision. Almost none of the patrons of the “Sand Bar” were wearing shoes, and many were without shirts as well. This would be a health code violation in and of itself, but the floors were also covered in dirt and sand and there was a large water leak to the north in which people seemed to be splashing about. Overall it was a health and safety nightmare.

We have reported the “Sand Bar” to the proper authorities but unfortunately, until severe action is taken, The Winooski would advise anyone looking for a quiet, safe place to drink alcohol with other adults to find somewhere else to do so.

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