Rutland Releases More Raw Sewage Than Montpelier in 2017

RUTLAND – For the first time since records were kept on the matter, Montpelier has not been the leading source of raw sewage in Vermont for the first part of 2017. With an unprecedented 1 million gallon sewage spill this month, in addition to the many other sewage spills over the course of the year, the city of Rutland has taken over the lead in terms of the amount of excrement it is distributing to Vermonters.

“I’ve never seen anything like it,” said environmentalist Robert Vasser. “We all know how much crap comes out of Montpelier, so for Rutland to even approach those levels, much less surpass them, well, that’s a lot of s***.”

Rutland residents have been advised to avoid both Otter Creek and East Creek for 48 hours after any possible sewage spills, which is good news in that the human waste flowing out of Rutland does not stick around for as long as the stuff Vermonters are used to getting from the state’s capital. Although it seems unlikely that any other city or town will be able to exceed the sheer volume of raw sewage that Rutland has launched at its citizens this year, there is always the chance that the state senate will be called back to session on October 23rd, so time will tell if Rutland can hold it’s record for the remainder of 2017.

Image Credits: Doug Kerr.

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