State Looks For Better System to Match Candy with Trick-or-Treaters

MONTPELIER – Governor Scott announced a state-wide initiative Wednesday morning that will look for ways to better match up the larger groups of trick-or-treaters with the houses that have a lot of candy to give out. This comes in response to multiple online complaints from homeowners across Vermont who claim they did not have the correct amount of candy to distribute on Halloween night.

“We just want Vermonters to know that we hear them,” the governor said in a prepared statement. “I’ve been online and I’ve seen your posts. ‘Bought 3 bags of candy from Costco, only had eleven kids show up,’ is a tweet I read from concerned citizen @chesterchick19. I have another tweet here from @vtmama66 that says ‘All my candy was gone in the first 20 min. Now hiding from trick-or-treaters with the lights off.’ These are real problems, and there are dozens more like this, and probably many cases that went unreported. As your governor, I am ready to tackle this problem head-on.”

There have been relatively few studies done on trick-or-treat candy distribution issues, and the governor’s office has promised that the first step will be to commission some in-depth research, examining the neighborhoods that do have the appropriate ratio of sweets to door-to-door children, and then trying to determine why those streets were so successful.

“That’s great,” said one commenter on the governor’s Facebook post announcement, “but I still don’t have power, and there is a tree blocking my road from the wind storm.” The governor’s only response was a sad-faced emoji, followed by a comment that consisted of a candy corn emoji and a very-excited-face emoji.

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