All BHS Classes to Be Held in Executive Session

BURLINGTON – The Burlington school district school board announced today that all classes at Burlington High school will be held in executive session for the remainder of the school year.  Executive session means that no unauthorized persons, including students and teachers, will be allowed to attend any class at the high school.  Attendance at high school classes will be strictly limited to members of the school board and their attorneys.

Board chair Mark Porter explained that the school district could find itself at a substantial disadvantage if the material covered in these classes was allowed to be heard by any non-member of a school board.  “We have been hard at work negotiating umpteen different contracts for our various staff unions,” Porter continued. ” If the material covered in high school classes – particularly the ones involving advanced math and reading skills – gets out to the public at large, it would a disaster for the property tax payers of Burlington and the brave school board members who have made it their life work to prevent any tax increases.  The school board has a responsibility to not let that happen,” Porter emphasized.

Porter went on to say that superintendent Yaw Obeng would attend the executive sessions.  “This is because we will also be discussing a personnel matter, which means the extension of the contract of a certain someone for the next umpteen years,” Porter claimed.   He refused to belabor the obvious any further.

The school board will also use the executive session to acknowledge its receipt of a prestigious award.  They will receive an Honorable Mention from the National Executive Session Association.  This is due in part  “ . .  to the hard work of the Board keeping everything it does completely secret.”

Porter finished by stressing, once again, how much the school board loves and respects teachers.

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