South Canada Forms Historical Society, Quickly Runs Out of History

SOUTH CANADA – The newly formed South Canada Historical Society has only been around for a few weeks, but already the fledgling organization has run into a serious issue. With the tiny country having only eight months of existence, the members have run out of history to catalog and discuss and are looking for donations from other sources.

“We feel passionately about the proud history of our nation,” said SCHS founder Christopher Johnson. “From our secession back in August, all the way through this morning’s breakfast, South Canada has a short and storied past that deserves study and elevation. On the other hand, we have run out of that wonderful history just a bit, so if any other countries are willing to donate some their history that they’re not currently using, that would be amazing.”

Johnson says he is not picky about which bits of history are donated, suggesting items such as minor battles from ancient wars, scholarly achievements in fields that have subsequently been made obsolete, or notable figures that nobody cares about anymore. New York state has already offered Sybil Ludington to South Canada, which they have graciously accepted, and the SCHS is in talks with Poland to take on historical ownership of the German invasion of 1939.

“I think we’re going to end up having a lot to work with,” said Johnson, who may combine some of the donated histories for convenience. His first non-fiction book, Sybil Ludington: South Canadian Nazi Fighter, is expected to be on shelves by next year.

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1 Comment

  1. History is being made all the time! And if there is no history, at least we can research historical trends. And if there are no historical trends, we may have to hire Sean Spicer to create some.

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