Taconic State Parkway to Be Extended to Burlington

BURLINGTON – The drive from Burlington down to New York City will be a little quicker next year. New York Governor Cuomo and Vermont Governor Scott jointly announced the extension of the Taconic State Parkway, which currently ends at the Berkshire Spur of the New York Thruway. The Parkway was initially built by NY State when Franklin Delano Roosevelt was still governor, and FDR had always envisioned it extending as far north as Canada.

The new sections of the TSP will continue on from the NY Thruway and up into Crown Point, NY, where it will cross over the bridge into Chimney Point, VT and then follow Routes 22A and 7 straight up though to Burlington, ending at Battery Park. Motorists will be able to drive on endless parkway from The Bronx to Burlington, increasing tourism for both cities.

Some Burlington residents are concerned about the increase in traffic and noise, but citizens have been assured that once the F-35s arrive at the airport in 2019, any excess  traffic noise will no longer be noticeable.

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1 Comment

  1. Yes, the increased traffic will provide a “target rich environment” for the F-35s in their live-fire exercises. Or is that not what you meant?

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