Bernie Sanders Narrows Down Possible VP Picks to Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez and Guy Fieri

BURLINGTON – Vermont’s very own political celebrity Bernie Sanders brought two more big names to the state this month as he held meetings to narrow down his possible VP pick should he win the Democratic presidential nomination. Sanders met with Congresswoman Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez (D-New York), as well as Guy Fieri (D-iners, D-rive-ins, & D-ives).

The Sanders campaign would neither confirm nor deny that either Ocasio-Cortez or Fieri were in contention for a VP slot, although rumors swirled around Washington and the Food Network all weekend. Ocasio-Cortez met with Sanders for two hours privately after having breakfast with him at Penny Cluse cafe. Fieri met with Sanders for almost three hours two weeks ago after challenging him to a mad dumpling eating throwdown at Hong’s Chinese Dumplings.

“I have a lot of respect for Senator Sanders,” Ocasio-Cortez said, “and we spoke about our many concerns for this nation, and discussed the ideals we have in common, as well as our plans to help the poorest and most under-served citizens of our great nation. I have no information on who his VP pick might be, and even if I did, it wouldn’t be my place to discuss it here with you until the Senator has made a formal announcement, which likely won’t be until well into next year.”

“Hellz to the YEAH I might be a VP!” Fieri commented to a group of fans at Burlington International Airport. “Welcome to Vice-Flavortown! What I love about Bernie is this guy packs so much sizzle into everything he does, it’s a like a political explosion packed with a justice crunch and equality drizzle. Wow! I mean, I can’t even describe how much hella 99% this guy is bringing to the table. BOOM! It’s politicalicious! But don’t tell him I said this, okay guys? Bro code? He told me not to say anything.”

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  1. Why don’t we have Guy Fieri (D-iners…) run against Robert Irvine (R-estaurant Impossible) and leave Bernie out of it? Just food for thought…

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