Vermont DMV Cuts Costs By Replacing Staff With Uber Drivers

MONTPELIER – If you’re going to take your driver’s test in Vermont in 2020, the person grading you will probably be an Uber driver after the state replaced their employees with drivers from the on-demand taxi service. The move will drastically reduce costs, as well as wait times for residents.

“Well, first of all, I want to be clear that we have not replaced all our employees with Uber drivers,” said non-Uber-driver and DMV employee Karen Driver. “Anyone operating in a non-vehicular capacity will still be coming to work as usual. But anyone administering driving exams will now be an on-call contract employee accessible through the Uber app. The newest update should have a tab for driving exams.”

Under the new system, hopeful motorists will arrive at the DMV, check-in as usual, and then simply open their Uber apps to call for a test administrator. Once the exam has been accepted, a driver should arrive within 5-10 minutes to begin the exam. The instructor will then grade the potential licensee via the app, and will submit the final results prior to payment. This is to alleviate concerns that poor tippers would do worse on the exams.

“This is going to be better for everyone,” Driver claims. “It’s cheaper for the state, it’s cheaper for the test-takers, and no one will have to sit around at the DMV forever, and that includes both people giving and taking the tests. It’s a better use of time and resources.”

UberExam will be available via the Uber app starting January 1.

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