Vermont Governor Issues Order Closing All State Pokestops

MONTPELIER – Anyone out hunting Pokemon these days is going to have a tough time finding supplies after Vermont Governor Phil Scott ordered all Pokestops in the state closed until at least April 13th. Gov. Scott was reportedly concerned that people that ought to be self-quarantining might instead be out spinning Pokestops and spreading the COVID-19 virus to other trainers.

There have not been any reported cases of Pokemon themselves contracting the novel coronavirus that has swept the world into a global pandemic these past few months, but there is growing concern that human Pokemon trainers could contract the virus after spinning the same Pokestops as other trainers. The trainers themselves are unhappy with the decision, saying that being a Pokemon trainer is socially isolating enough as it is, and there is no need for such drastic measures.

“I haven’t had any human contact in years!” complained one level 40 Instinct team member. “And where is the evidence that the virus can survive on virtual surfaces? This feels like panic and government overreach to me. Groudon and I might have to have a little talk with the governor.”

Until the ban is lifted, Pokestops will no longer spin, and will no longer dispense vital supplies such as healing potions and Pokeballs, although there is a plan in the works for how to feed berry-insecure Pokemon during the current time of social distancing.

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