After 15 Years of Talking About It, Colchester Family Finally Plants Home Garden

COLCHESTER – “You know, this just seemed like the year to do it,” said Dee Layre as she dug a small trench with her trowel. Layre says her family has been meaning to plant a garden in their backyard every year since 2005, but never had gotten around to actually doing it.

“We’ve still got seeds we bought from the grocery store,” Layre said, examining the dozens of packets closely. “Every year we buy some seeds, and they just go into the drawer with all the other seeds. Do seeds go bad? I guess we’re going to find out.”

Layre’s children, now 16 and 17, say that their mother had always wanted to garden with them when they were younger, and had planned on making a whole family project out of it. This year, with everyone home, she is finally getting her wish.

“We’re getting a lot of family time in these days. I even want to say it’s too much family time actually. So it’s good to be outside where we have a little more room. And it’s not raining today, which is nice.”

Layre has dug up almost her entire back yard planting 15 years worth of tomatoes, cucumbers, pumpkins, beans, and various other vegetables and flowers.

“I think it’s great,” said Layre’s husband. “They’re out there growing us some food, and I’m finally gonna build that deck I’ve been meaning to learn how to build. Luckily there’s a YouTube carpentry video that makes it look super easy!”

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