In Solidarity with Bernie, Joe Biden Suspends Presidential Campaign

WASHINGTON – In a surprising move of support for his fellow candidate, Democratic presidential hopeful Joe Biden has suspended his campaign after saying that continuing at this point would be “disrespectful.” His only other serious rival, Bernie Sanders, had suspended his campaign only a few hours earlier.

“Does it even make sense for me to keep going without Bernie there?” Biden asked, during a speech announcing the shocking twist. “I think we really make each other better as candidates, and he’s indicated that this is time to show unity. Well, I’m right there with him. I am suspending my campaign in unity with Senator Sanders, and I hope that we can both resume again shortly after all this pandemic mess is over, maybe in November or December.”

Biden’s exit leaves the Democrats without a current front-runner, although many former candidates have started putting out feelers regarding resuming their campaigns. With both Sanders and Biden gone, the current front-runner is Elizabeth Warren, who holds 81 delegates, followed by Michael Bloomberg with 55 and Pete Buttigieg with 26.

“I don’t know what the hell he’s thinking,” said New York Governor Andrew Cuomo, “but hey, I’m not complaining. I think it breaks this whole thing wide open. Is it too late for me to get on the rest of the ballots?”

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