Governor Scott Looking For New State Treasurer With More Dance Experience

MONTPELIER – After the sudden resignation of Vermont Secretary of Education Rebecca Holcombe, more shake-ups may be coming to some of Vermont’s key leadership positions. Governor Scott has previously announced his intentions to replace Holcombe with an education secretary with no experience in education, preferring instead someone with a history of success in business. Now rumors are swirling that Vermont Stater Treasurer Beth Pearce may be on her way out as well, and Governor Scott intends to replace her with a candidate that has no financial experience, but rather a degree in modern dance.

“There’s something my parents used to say to me, and it always stuck with me,” Governor Scott told press this week. “If you keep doing what you’ve been doing, you’re never going to grow. The system we have in place prevents personal and professional growth. No one in state government should ever have a job that they know how to do. Would it be easy to just stick a finance person in as treasurer? Sure, but who benefits from that? I want someone who knows how to dance, but has a lot to learn about budgets, spreadsheets, basic addition and subtraction, someone light on their feet, and ready to add a new skill to their résumé. I want them to have room to blossom.”

Secretary of State Jim Condos has made it clear that he does not intend to abruptly resign any time soon, and that his is an elected position but this has not stopped Governor Scott from casually mentioned his desire to fill that position, if needed, with an archaeologist.

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