Angry Vermonters Demand $10,000 to Stay in the State

MONTPELIER – A group of Vermont residents gathered this weekend on the statehouse lawn to demand a cash settlement in exchange for not moving out of state. They were protesting the recent initiative put forth by Gov. Scott that will give $10,000 to anyone willing to move to Vermont and work remotely.  Some question whether the plan will remotely work, others have pooled money trying to keep people out of the state, and this new backlash represents another bump in the road for the beleaguered governor.

Signs reading ‘Where’s My Handout?’ and ‘I’m not leaving till I get my $10K’ peppered the crowd of about 300 farmers, laborers, and young professionals who are now pushing a ‘Pay to Stay’ program that would offer each of them $10,000 to stay and work in Vermont.

“I’ve been talking to Massachusetts,” said one angry young man in muddy Carhartts, “and they were considering some stuff. They weren’t gonna pay me 10K, but I talked ’em up to about two grand to move there, so Vermont’s gotta at least beat that. But come on man, they’re paying people to move here? I already live here! Way I see it, they owe me that money plus interest!”

Gov. Scott was not at the statehouse during the protest and could not be reached for comment regarding the protests, or the offer from the crowd to pay him $10,000 to move to New Hampshire.

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  1. Gov. Scott to Revive 1890 Plan to Lure Scandinavians Into Settling on Vermont Farmsteads – The Winooski

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